All information was accurate at the time it was provided but all details are subject to change and all bags and contents subject to availability.
Price $25.00Features- 8xWizz Fizz Original Flavour
- 1xZour Bombs Super Sour Drops 10 Pack
- 1xWham Sour Tongue Painter 10 Pack
- 2xYupi Baby Bears 9g
- 2xYupi Neon Stix 9g
- 1xMadness Sour Popping Candy
- 1x 125g Sour Rainbow Straws
- 1xGhost Drop Sour Mega Spray
- 1xYupi Giant Cola Bottle
- 1xGiant Caplico
- 1xXXL Goop Sour Spray
- 1x50 pack Fruit Mentos
- 1xSticky Hand
- 1xFinger Dip with Sour Powder
- 1xKapow Sour Fizz Drops 10 pack
- 1xKarate Roller Rainbow
- 1xSuper Sour Six Powders and Stick
- 1xYupi Pizza
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