All information was accurate at the time it was provided but all details are subject to change and all bags and contents subject to availability.
Jumbo Gummy
Price $25.00Features- 1xYUPI mega Pizza 90g
- 8xYUPI Baby Bears
- 8xYUPI Neon Stix
- 8xYUPI Cola Bottles
- 1xKarate Roller Rainbow
- 1xKarate Roller Strawberry
- 1xwhoopie cushion
- 1xTutti Frutti Bubble Gum Bar
- 1xYUPI Pizza 14g
- 1x250g strawberry heart marshmallows
- 1xSticky Hand
- 1xYUPI Iced Cola 40g
- 1xYUPI Baby Bears 40g
- 1xYUPI Neon Stix 40g
- 1xXXL Goop Sour Slime
- 1x140g Haribo Sour S'Ghetti
- 1xScanlens Sour Spray with Sherbet
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